Who we are

About Us

PlayBoard is the leading charity in Northern Ireland dedicated to the development and promotion of children and young people’s play.

We believe in a world where everyone can freely play and we work every day to achieve this.

Established in 1985, we support thousands of children and young people every year, through a combination of:

  • Campaigning and lobbying

  • Promoting best practice in play and playwork

  • Service delivery and development

  • Research, evaluation and awareness raising

  • Working in partnership with others to put play on the agenda of policy makers and resource providers.

Lend your support and have your voice heard!

PlayBoard NI

PlayBoard NI

Leaders In Play

Leaders In Play

Membership Based

A membership organisation, PlayBoard NI works closely with and provides support to over 1700 member groups, all of whom are committed to helping us to achieve our goal of developing quality play opportunities that improve children and young people’s lives across Northern Ireland.

Extreme Sports Biking
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Children And Young People’s Rights

As a rights-based organisation we strongly believe that play is an intrinsic aspect of children and young people’s lives. PlayBoard works from the premise that play is fundamental to a healthy and happy childhood. Play challenges and informs our understanding of children and young people because it views them as competent and confident human beings.

This position is further endorsed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989). Article 31 declares:

“States Parties recognise the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate fully in cultural life and the arts. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.”

Article 31 – United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989)

improving children and young people’s lives

Reasons to Choose
PlayBoard NI

We believe in a world where everyone can freely play and with your support we will work every day to achieve this.

  • Leaders in children and young people’s play services

  • Leaders in providing and improving opportunities for play

  • Over 1700 members from 18 countries around the world

  • Authoritative voice for play in Northern Ireland

Lend your support and have your voice heard!


“I loved the drumming and dancing. I loved the clay and making flags, and I love being a play champion!”


“It’s great to see free play with little structure. With more cars on the road there is less play out on the streets, it is nice to see they are being given a safe place to play freely.”


“Taking part in PlayBoard training has allowed me to come out of my comfort zone and helped me to understand how to engage with young people.”


“Excellent training. The pace and delivery were absolutely spot on, it was engaging, interactive and very useful. Staff all came away thoroughly motivated and inspired! Really first-class training!”

experience the passion

A Dynamic Group of Enthusiasts and Professionals

Play Professionals

Meet The Team

Alan Herron
Alan Herron
Chief Executive Officer
Jimmy Gillen
Jimmy Gillen
Director of Corporate Services
Angela Stallard
Angela Stallard
Service Delivery and Development Manager
Frances Walsh
Frances Walsh
Project Officer
Katherine Lindsay Dunlop
Katherine Lindsay Dunlop
Regional Childcare Coordinator
Mairead McLaughlin
Mairead McLaughlin
Finance Officer
Maria McBride
Maria McBride
Senior Marketing and Communications Officer
Roberta Johnson
Roberta Johnson
Service Delivery & Development Coordinator – OUR Generation